Precision Power Overview

Leading Supplier of RF and Gradient Power Amplifiers

Reliable power sources improving scan performance

Our power amplifier solutions provide outstanding performance in a wide range of applications. They are essential to high-quality MRI Imaging, provide unsurpassed performance in other medical and industrial applications. We have a wide range of products meeting the demanding needs of the industry.

Outstanding quality power solutions for your demanding application.

Healthcare facilities seeking quality products for more efficient diagnosis and treatment can always find what they need with Analogic’s technology. Our precision RF and gradient amplifiers power half of the magnetic resonance imaging systems worldwide. Contact Analogic about your unique applications and see how we can meet your needs.


High performance amplifiers
for optimal image quality

Improving patient

Improving the total cost of ownership for the hospital and OEM


Analogic provides depot repair services for all of our power amplifiers out of our US and China facilities. Our highly trained repair team utilizes the same high-quality components and processes as our production line, so you can feel confident in the quality of any of our repairs.

Why choose Analogic for power solutions?

Whether it’s interfacing, form, or performance, our amplifiers are highly adaptable to our customers’ needs while maintaining purity of amplification required for highly detailed images.

We provide our partners with the ability to advanced their industrial and medical applications by providing cutting edge power solutions.


Our market-leading reliability significantly drives down the total cost of ownership for our partners.

Take a look at how our RF and Gradient amplifiers power MRI systems

Leading Manufacturer

MRI systems powered worldwide
Over 50%
of global MRI systems are powered by Analogic
Innovation Leader
