Precision Power Gradient

Leading Supplier of Gradient Power Amplifiers

Gradient Power Amplifiers

Wide range of performance

Our products support a wide range of MRI system performance with precision control and repeatability, and outstanding noise performance allow our customers to meet the latest challenges in today's most advanced MRI applications.

Our gradient amplifiers power precision beam steering applications such as proton therapy and semiconductor manufacturing where precise control is mandatory.

We continue to increase the power density allowing for ultra-high field and wide bore applications without increasing cabinet size.



Precision current


Offering the lowest cost of
ownership and highest
customer satisfaction

Cost Effective

Most cost effective
configuration, saving
money and time


All of our amplifiers provide a range of input signal processing and sophisticated internal and external monitoring for precision setup and control.

Model Family Axis Voltage Peak Power RMS Current
AG2200 3 2100V 1200A 360A
C21x 3 2100V 900/850/675A 360/360/270A
C14x 3 1400V 900/675A 360/270A
C787 6/3 parallel 700V 850/1700A 360A/720A
AG700 3 700V 850A 360A
C781 1 to 3 700V 850A 360A