Power Technologies

Analogic's Power Technologies segment is a global provider of subsystems and solutions that monitor, deliver, analyze, power and control motion in high precision complex automated manufacturing processes.

Precision Power

Our amplifier technology solves the demanding system needs that require precisions amplification with the highest levels of stability, repeatability, and low noise. This technology supports diverse applications as medical MRI imaging, Semiconductor processing, Proton Therapy, Particle analysis in accelerators and Material analysis.
Precision Power
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Our precision radio frequency (RF) and gradient amplifiers are used in MRI and other medical applications.

Motion Control

Precision automation products
Our precision motion controls for servo motors and stepper motors provide accuracy from high-speed applications to delicate actions including Semiconductor processing, Life sciences, Automated automobile assembly, Test and measurement, and high-performance mil-aero products. COPLEY CONTROLS

In 2008, Analogic acquired Copley Controls Corporation. The addition of Copley, with its leading-edge technology in high-field gradient amplifiers and its solid customer base, enabled Analogic to...

Expand it's product offering to OEM customers
Provide additional opportunities and a new avenue of growth in the high technology automation market
Enhance its position as a leading provider of medical subsystems for MRI scanners

To learn more about our motion control and automation product lines visit Copley Controls below